The Providence Baptist Church of Kernersville, NC was founded on March 4, 1885 under the leadership of B.A. Brown, H.H. Linville and John Hepler.  The church was located at the corner of Cherry and Mountain Streets.  The Reverend J.N. Stallings was installed as the first pastor.  Three years later, Dr. O.C. Pope of Greensboro, NC financed another church, at which time the Reverend N.W. Johnson became the pastor.  The new church building was completed in November 1888 and the deed was filed for registration at twelve o’ clock noon on December 28, 1888.  The name at this time was The Colored Baptist Church.

The church received financial help from all the townspeople in their effort to improve the place of worship and further the cause of Christ.  Although there is no written record of the event, the downtown property was sold and the church relocated as reported by the late Mrs. Sadie Brooks and Mrs. Leone Friende.  The lot for the present location at 319 Nelson Street was purchased in 1930 and the church erected soon afterwards.  The trustees at this time were Moses C. Johnson, John M. Chambers, and Samuel Brooks.

The ground breaking for the new building took place in 1977 culminating the efforts of the pastor and members of Providence, First Baptist Church of Kernersville, NC (with special gratitude to Reverend Amis Daniel, Mr. James Walker, Mr. Harris Crowell, and Mr. Leroy Stewart), many friends, contributors and well wishers.

The church has continued to grow in membership under the able leadership of such men as J.L. Sloan, S.S. Scarborough, S.L. Gilmer, C.S. Posey, W.A. Bowie, H.A. Harris, J.E. Huntley, H.E. White, P.R. Hughes, J.C. Graham, B.N. Mack, Rev. S.L. Fogle, Rev. Derioux Johnson (all deceased), and Rev. Michael Walton.

On September 12, 2015, the Providence Baptist Church body elected by an overwhelmingly majority vote, Minister Keith Vereen as the new Pastor and he was officially installed as Pastor on November 7, 2015. Minister Vereen has been a faithful, diligent and humble servant of God as an Associate Minister at Providence and is a true man of God. The Providence Church family looks forward to God continuing to lead Providence under the direction of the Holy Spirit, moving us forward as a body of believers in Jesus Christ, with Minister (now Dr.) Vereen as the under-shepherd.

“And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  Matthew 16:18

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